Active LJWC members are required to participate on at least one club committee. This includes attending monthly meetings, brainstorming ideas for future work, and volunteering at related events. If you are interested in the work of any of our committees, please consider becoming a member of LJWC.
The Community Outreach Committee connects LJWC with the Lemont community. Community Outreach is also responsible for the club community improvement project where LJWC funds meaningful projects within the Lemont community. Volunteer opportunities typically include manning tables onsite at weekend/weeknight events (or planning of community events).
Past/current Community Outreach events/projects include Mental Health Inititives, LPD Movie in the Park, Sunday Soiree, Cruise Night, Keepataw Days Parade, Scarecrow Trail and Fest, Halloween Hoedown, Trick or Treat Trail, Lemont Local Political Candidate Forum, Strictly Self-Defense Classes, Anne Swaney Memorial self-defense class, Legacy Ranch Photos, River Valley Family Fitness Night, Bunny Trail, and Quarryman Race.
Contact for more information.
The Juniorettes Committee assists in managing a service organization of girls ages 12-18. Members mentor, chaperone, and assist this group of girls as they conduct their own monthly meetings (typically the 3rd Sunday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Safety Village) and plan and implement service projects to support the community. Juniorettes Committee members are encouraged to attend most of the Juniorettes' monthly meetings in order to develop relationships with the girls.
Past Juniorettes events/service projects include: Glitter tattoo tables at Movie in the Park and the Lemont Park District 4th of July Fest, Annual Fun Run at the Scarecrow Fest, making bread/wrapping books for Hope and Friendship, and volunteering at Feed My Starving Children.
Contact for more information.
The Membership Committee keeps the social aspect of the club continuous. We organize a variety of membership events throughout the year to promote prospective members in the community to join LJWC. Volunteer opportunities are flexible and involve planning and coordinating fun membership and prospective membership events, along with welcoming prospective and new members at club events and before general monthly club meetings.
Past/current Membership events include a Sunset Soiree Members Night, Joliet Slammers Game (family night), White Sox Baseball Game, Ghouls Night Out, Chicago Wolves Hockey Game (family event), New Member Night, Mixology Event, Member Shopping Night, Makeup Class, Installation Dinner, Glitter My Pallet, Bake and Bond (mom and me event), Bunco Night, and Spa Night.
Contact for more information.
The Philanthropy Committee helps to determine to who and how our club gives back to our community. Volunteer opportunities in this committee are typically flexible and more behind-the-scenes (ideal for LJWC members who aren't able to volunteer on weekends/weeknights) and include organizing clothes donations, coordinating food collection drives, overseeing the grant application process, and reviewing applications for the high school scholarship program.
Past/current Philanthropy projects include: H.O.P.E. Closet (clothes for those in need), Local Food Pantry Quarterly Donations, Community Grant Application Review, Food Pantries Drive, Tree Dedication, New Babies/Presidents Book Dedication, Seniors Cleaning Supply Drive, Scholarship Applications Review, and Lemont's Most Valuable School Helpers Awards Program for District 113a.
Contact for more information.
The Ways & Means Committee is the fundraising powerhouse for LJWC. Volunteer opportunities are typically flexible and include planning events, contacting businesses for donations/sponsorships, running activities at fundraisers (including Punch A Bunch), taking pictures, and posting on social media.
Past/current Ways & Means events include: Denim and Diamonds Fall Fundraiser, Restaurant Fundraiser at Wooden Paddle Pizza and Home Run Inn Pizza, Sunset Soiree 50/50 Raffle, Keepataw Days (Labor Day Fest), Fall Garage Sale, Spin It to Win It, Breakfast with Santa, Casino Night Fundraiser, Super Bowl Squares, and Golf Outings.
Contact for more information.
Consider getting involved with LJWC or making a donation to support our work throughout Lemont.
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